Driver Error / Distracted Driving
Being involved in a traffic accident can be painful, confusing, and devastating. The growing number of cars on the road and the lack of efficient public transportation have caused the annual number of traffic accidents to increase and sadly, most of these car accidents are preventable.
But, if this has unfortunately happened to you, our car accident attorneys provide years of courtroom experience to those families and individuals who have suffered an injury due to a car wreck.
The lawyers at the Bison Law Firm understand the hardships caused by another person’s careless decisions, negligent acts, and/or inattentive behavior. Our personal injury attorneys may be able to assist you in recovering compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage, or wrongful death. Holding the negligent party liable will ensure you and your family’s future.
Distracted or Negligent Driving Behavior
The number one cause of car accidents is driver error or distracted driving. It’s essential that drivers pay attention to the road. A driver’s focus needs to be on the road at all times, have their hands on the wheel, and their mind focused on safety. Cell phones, texting, playing with the radio, being too tired to drive, or simply zoning out and being inattentive can all be contributing factors.