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Our personal injury attorneys may be able to assist you in recovering compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage, or wrongful death.

Negligent Hiring

Truck Drivers spend long hours, traveling miles on end from one destination to another. Throughout the nation, truck drivers cover hundreds of miles per day. As semi-trucks are so large, they can pose a threat to other drivers as well as the drivers themselves. It is important for truck drivers to stay focused and alert on the road.

An accident can easily occur without a focused and responsible truck driver. It is mandatory for trucking companies to employ qualified drivers to drive their trucks.

Negligent Hiring Situations

Trucking companies must recruit skillful truck drivers. They must have the knowledge and abide by the state and federal trucking regulations. It is common; however, for trucking companies to hire under-qualified drivers. In the event this occurs, the families and the friends of the victims pay for the company’s negligence.

Trucking companies can potentially be liable for the following issues:

  • Bad Driving Record
  • History of Accidents and Traffic Violations
  • DWI / DUI Arrests
  • History of Health Issues
  • History of Alcohol Abuse
  • History of Drug Abuse
  • No Commercial Driver’s License

If you or anyone you know have become injured as a result of a trucking company’s negligence, you have the ability to get compensation to recover damages, for wrongful death, medical bills, pain and suffering, inability to work, property damage, and lost income. Let our personal injury attorneys fight for you to give you what you deserve.