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The Bison Law Firm’s attorneys are able to provide assistance to family members and individuals who have endured paralysis.

An injury resulting in paralysis is one of the most traumatic events a person can experience. Paralysis can affect a single muscle or a group of muscles and can be considered partial or total. It can also occur on one or both sides of the body, above or below the waist.

Paralysis can result from various causes and can affect the body in various ways. The most common is the partial or total severing of the spinal cord.

The type, severity, and area of paralysis will differ for each person depending on the cause, while the prescribed treatment varies for each individual.

Types of accidents or events that may result in paralysis can include:

  • Car or truck accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Burn injuries
  • Medical accidents
  • Birth injuries
  • Falling objects

The Bison Law Firm’s attorneys are able to provide assistance to family members and individuals who have endured paralysis.

If you or a loved one has suffered from paralysis, the Bison Law Firm’s team of attorneys may be able to recover damages on your behalf. This may include compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, inability to work, and lost income. Let our personal injury attorneys get to work for you and your family.