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If you or your loved one have become a victim of lead poisoning, our attorneys can lend you a helping hand.

Lead Paint Poisoning lawyer

Lead Paint Poisoning

Lead is a heavy metal used in various household products. Lead is commonly found in paint used to cover walls and other surfaces. Every day, we are exposed to lead and other toxic substances. Minimal exposure is often harmless but continuous exposure over time can lead to severe health concerns. Failure of property owners to address the issue of toxic levels of lead and other substances on their premises can result in severe harm to tenants and guests. If this happens, the property owner may be liable for the damages.

If you or your loved one have become a victim of lead poisoning, our seasoned team of attorneys at the Bison Law Firm can lend you a helping hand.

At the Bison Law Firm, our personal injury lawyers understand the debilitating circumstances caused by extreme sickness. This is an exceptionally difficult scenario to go about all on your own. Legal representation can ensure protection on all fronts for both the short and long-term.

Signs of Lead Poisoning

Lead paint exposure can occur in a variety of places. Older homes and buildings often contain lead-based paint that can fall from the walls and ceilings. Continued exposure to lead can result in the following symptoms/situations:

  • Infertility
  • Nerve Damage
  • Anemia
  • Delayed Growth
  • Headaches
  • Memory Loss
  • Kidney Failure
  • Hearing Loss
  • Nausea
  • Body Pain and Fatigue
  • Death