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Despite the fun, swimming pools can be a dangerous place if pool owners do not take proper safety measures.

Drowning lawyer


Swimming while spending time with friends or family around a pool is a great way to enjoy a hot summer day. Despite the fun, swimming pools can be a dangerous place if pool owners do not take proper safety measures. Swimmers and occupant safety has to be ensured by the owner because it can lead to serious injuries and even death. If this occurs, the pool owner will be held liable. Safety is of the utmost importance to our attorneys, which is why we apply our years of experience to provide you with the best service possible.

The Bison Law Firm understands the hardships associated with such devastating losses.

We can help with the issues regarding medical bills, loss of employment, disability, and many other difficult situations.

Drowning Risks

A pool owner has to take all the reasonable steps to ensure the area is safe and that all guests are properly taken care of. This includes the presence of lifeguards, flotation devices, stairs, ladders, and designated roped areas. Failure to do so can result in a drowning incident. If this happens, the pool owner will be held responsible and forced to pay damages.

Remember, not all drowning incidents result in death. With all drowning situations, the victim’s brain is deprived of oxygen. Although this person may be given CPR and their life saved, the victim may still suffer irreparable brain damage due to the lack of oxygen.

Brain damage can cause:

  • Loss of Speaking Ability
  • Impaired Cognitive Thinking Skills
  • Memory Loss
  • Personality Change
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Loss of Motor Skills
  • Paralysis

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a drowning, our experienced attorneys may be able to recover damages on your behalf. This may include compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, inability to work, property damage, lost income, or wrongful death. Let our personal injury attorneys get to work for you and your family.